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Nancy Katz founded the Committee in 2002.

   What is the Committee?

G-d’s Aesthetic Committee is committed
    to working in partnership with the Divine.
Committee members take personal responsibility
   for maintaining & enhancing G-d’s Creation
        by not littering &
by cleaning up after others
           as well as by creating beauty in the world.


Ani v’hu... Me and G-d.


This text, found in the ‘Song of the Sea’ from the traditional morning liturgy, serves as the foundation for the Committee.

It is credited as the basis of the concept of Hiddur Mitzvah.
            It’s one thing to fulfill a Mitzvah,
            another to do so with
grace & beauty.

You may have been doing committee work for years.

Perhaps you want to get others to join you.


no meetings.
self-initiated behavior.
personal responsibility.
Find "I'm on the Committee" on facebook
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Talk with Nancy about ways that you and your community can join the Committee.

© 2024 Nancy Katz | Wilmark Studios

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