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change CHānj/
noun: change

the act or instance of making or becoming different.

1. Glass breaks.  Leading can weaken over time.  Windows need attention.

2. Communities merge. Beloved windows need be moved.

verb: change

make or become a different substance entirely; transform.

synonyms:alter, make/become different, adjust, adapt, amend, modify, revise, refine, reshape, refashion, redesign, revamp, rework, remodel.

wilmark CAN ease the sting.

glass breaks

Repair to Stained Glass, Shelburne Falls, Western Massachusetts

The goal for repairing stained glass is to leave no evidence that there was ever a need for a repair.

Stuff happens.

Balls get kicked.

Candelabras fall.

Windows get broken.

With Wilmark’s 40 years of experience,
repair is possible.

Painted, vitreous glass repair stained and fired reproduction


Transporting stained glass for installation
Need for continuity is great.
Wilmark can help make the transition easier by enabling a community to take loved stained glass from one worship space to another.
The goal for moving and relocating stained glass is to strive to make the glass blend in with the new location so it seems as if the glass was designed to have always been there.
Repair of broken stained glass window, Wilmark Studios, Shelburne Falls, MA, Western Massachusetts

Repair & Reconfigure


re-worked & re-configured Shabbat stained glass
Sometimes a congregation expands & magic happens.

This sanctuary expansion resulted in the need for a sixth stained glass window compatible with the existing windows that Wilmark created over 20 years earlier.
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