Corporate Teambuilding Through Virtual Artmaking
The marketing team of a global software company spent three hours together virtually flexing their creative muscles and relating to each other in new ways.
“Almost a year into the pandemic, I was looking for a unique and creative virtual experience for my team. Since many of my team were new to the company, I had two objectives: I wanted the team to build relationships with each other and I wanted them to have fun.
“I had gotten to know Nancy over the years and was impressed with her work. I noticed that she had offered an online class for other groups and invited her to think about how she might construct a class for my marketing team.
“Nancy and I met several times (virtually of course), where I provided background on the team, the company, our recent rebrand, and she provided a number of ideas that I could consider for my team event. Nancy designed, sourced, assembled, and shipped to each member of my team a beautiful kit of various types of paper, scissors, glue stick, postcards, colorful pens, pencils, and crayons. The kit also included tea and chocolates.

“All the postcards where collected and Nancy assembled them into a single piece of artwork representing the entire team. And the postcards were sent to colleagues as a nice reminder of the event.

“Our workshop was divided into two parts. The first part was a warmup exercise where Nancy got the team used to playing with the kit contents and we discussed what that felt like. The main part involved decorating three postcards – one would be sent to an assigned coworker, one was for themselves, and one for whomever they chose. While we were making art, Nancy played background music.

“Beyond being a talented artist, Nancy is a skilled facilitator and teacher. I am grateful to have had this chance to work with Nancy and for my team to experience this form of art and creativity. We had a lot of fun!"
Robin Saitz
CMO, Plex Systems