Women's Virtual Tallit Journey
Women at Congregation B'nai Israel, Bridgeport, CT meet virtually over time to explore the history & meaning of the tallit as well as the role it can play in their lives. Nancy is co-facilitating the experience with the synagogue's Rabbi Sarah Marion, helping those who are interested design and create their own
This image, by photographer Penny Wolin, was taken in the early 1990's, and shows a gathering of Jewish women donning tallitot, many of which were made by or with Nancy.

Hands-On Adult Education
Participants gathered virtually in preparation of the adult weekend "Uncovering the Holy Land: The Archaeology of Jerusalem, Masada, and Huqoq" which looked at ancient mosaics.
Nancy prepared boxed kits that included everything needed for each participant to design and create mosaic candle holders.
This workshop was sponsored collaboratively by Providence's Temple Emanu-El and the Jewish Alliance of Rhode Island.

CCAR Rabbis Acknowledge Need for Relection
As clergy in service to the community, outer and inner selves aren’t always in alignment.
Our time together gave the opportunity to re-member public and more private identities with personal values and priorities. Participants received a package of supplies including a simple journal and assorted art materials to inspire and embellish a set of three wooden stacking dolls which served as the “canvas.”
Sponsored by the Central Conference of American Rabbis.

Craft the Synagogue's Megillah
Working with Rabbi Rachel Zerin of Temple Emanu-El, Providence, RI, Nancy facilitated two sessions with religious school students and two more with interested adults in the creation of torn paper illustrations of the Purim story.
Paper, glue sticks, & treats were distributed prior to the workshops.
Nancy integrated the finished artwork into the digital megillah which was used by the congregation during its virtual reading.

Women Prepare for Pesach Together Apart
Core Connects RI, whose goal is "Connecting women, strengthening communities," has been greatly challenged by the pandemic. In fact a workshop in Nancy & Mark's Pawtucket studio in February 2020 was Core's last in-person gathering before things shut down.
Under the leadership of Providence's amazing Elissa Felder, programming continued online with the audience expanding to women around the globe.
Nancy has been honored to lead several workshops for the organization.

RISD|Brown Hillel Students
College students have been challenged by the pandemic with regard to their academic, social, and spiritual experiences.
Nancy worked closely with organizer Lex Dorfman & Rabbi Michelle Dardashti to help Rhode Island School of Design & Brown University Hillel students prepare for Chanukkah and to celebrate Rosh Chodesh Kislev as a group even though they were dispersed throughout the country.
Nancy & Lex prepared packets of materials and treats while Nancy & Rabbi D co-facilitated the evening's gathering.

Heshbon Heshvan Art Making
Fall is always a stressful time for Jewish clergy meeting the spiritual needs of congregants throughout the High Holiday season.
COVID brought with it new challenges. Heshbon Heshvan was created as a week-long "global gathering to nourish Jewish clergy" beginning Rosh Chodesh Heshvan 2020/5781.
Recognizing the incredible work-- the pivoting, problem solving, and care-- extended by clergy, Nancy offered a session for creative expression and play in order to offer some renewal. What a privilege!

Elul Postcard Making
Nancy facilitated a session for Core Connects RI -- a creative & fun art project to assist in the preparation of the High Holiday season.
Participants embellished postcards utilizing distributed materials that included papers, glue sticks, postcards, and frames.
Folks also received honey sticks for a sweet year!